Amine (singer) femmes

And she sheds the tears of the day when they made a tragedy of her life.
She wants to be able to threaten with weapon in hand she combines her courage,
as soon as it is too late she leaves,
join the bodies and souls falling,
by bullets or the soul of all wars countries which are hell.
At the borders of our lands there are women who lack shelter,
And beyond our mothers they are the essence of the world in which I was born.
We were waiting for the doves,
more than the State which has its own
Where are the wings that will carry all the women of the world who still suffer in:
Guinea , Korea, India and Yemen
Iraq, Iran, and Israel,
Niger, Serbia and Palestine
The whole world.
At the borders of our lands there are women who lack shelter,
And beyond our mothers they are the essence of the world in which I was born.
In the name of those who helped humanity advance,
In the name of those who carried life within them. they are so alone on Earth.
At the borders of our lands there are women who lack shelter,
And beyond our mothers they are the essence of the world in which I was born.