Amputated Genitals garavito attacks again

192 juicy bodies of children.
I'm a sadist. I'm looking for a child.
I feel guilt but i feel hate.
That extreme force something strange tells me.
Go to kill, kill them, that beast was me.
I bought some bottles of liquor
and I decide to kill him in a violent manner.
Always I have in my bag, rope,
razor blades, and a big knife.
Tie his hands and I caress the body,
pull out his clothes and I rape him, naked.
I, bitting a lot his body,
I, burning his skin with a candle,
I felt very good doing it.
Slashing in 59 times his body,
I practiced satanic rites
with the children that i murdered.
I have a pact with the devil.
I cut his genitals and his anus,
and I put his penis in his mouth.
This body without testicles or eyes,
Abdomen without guts,
with only one hack,
cut his head.