Ancst quicksand

you have died a social death.
lost in tradition, rearranged,
you have become the instrument of a system you once despised.
you know the answers, stop asking questions.
all you longed for, it cant be this.
you have given in.
make the final cut.
drifting into nothingness, kept entertained for a purpose.
we are born to fit your grid.
no freedom of choice, no autonomy.
we're waging war armed only with our workforce.
human cattle, blinded by our ignorance.
torrents of exploitation, an ailing society.
capable of so much but we cant get rid of slavery?
human life, reduced to time and force.
beneath our skin and bones we are nothing.
all your life you have obeyed.
all this wasted time, you cant buy it back.
wake up and rise again.