Andrea Berg ber alle sieben meere

My heart has blindly followed you across all seven seas,
And it will stay that way, I swear, until it sinks without a sound.
Across all seven seas, on the trail of our time,< br/>We flew far too high, but I never regretted it.
I know, it's already late, have you heard my heart?
I'm waiting for a word, yes you're far, far away.
It's best if I just hang up, tear you out of my dreams
Because when I hear your voice, it never stops.
My heart has blindly followed you across all seven seas,
And it will stay that way, I swear, until it sinks without a sound.
Across all seven seas, on the trail of our time,< br/>We flew much too high, but I never regretted it.
Night is so late, she lies down next to me.
You did that too when we were still flying were.
Why does this hurt me so much?
Please make me understand,
Take me with you in your dreams, to heaven and back.
Above all My heart has followed you blindly for seven seas,
And it will stay that way, I swear, until it sinks without a sound.
Across all seven seas, on the trail of our time,
We We flew way too high, but I never regretted it.