Andrew Combs month of bad habits

You're name made a pretty tattoo
You're body and me a welcome bed
But the truth don't made a lie of
Every word you ever said
And now the wine goes down to easy
And the sun's coming up in a strangers motel room
It's gonna take more than a month of bad habits
To get me over you
Sleep it comes and tries to take me
And I'm afraid what dreams I'll find
So like a bitter pill I do swallow
The fact that you're no longer mine
Yeah the wine goes down to easy
And the thrill of the deals in a strangers motel room
It's gonna take more than a month of bad habits
To get me over you
Even if I find
If I find forgiveness
I wonder will I
Will I forgive myself
Yeah the wine goes down to easy
And the sun's coming up in a strangers motel room
It's gonna take more than a month of bad habits
To get me over you
It's gonna take more than a month of bad habits
To get me over you