Andy Kim love is

Every time I turn around
The world keeps changing
I don't know what's going on
Do you know what's going on
Every child is lost and found
In the outstreched arms of
someone who believes in love
Do you believe in love
When I look in your eyes
It's not a stranger I see
Just someone who's lonely like me
Love is love
Is you is me
Is everything we are
A silent spark
That lights the dark
Burns longer than the stars
When you came into my life
I just looked at you
Like someone would a miracle
Do you believe in miracles
In and out of every heart
Love comes and goes
And dies with all the promises
Do you believe in promises
Don't be afraid
To show me your heart
We can burn down the cold and the dark
Love is love
Is you is me
Is everything we are
A silent spark that lights the dark
Burns longer than the stars
Love is love
Is me is you
A whisper from the heart
Love is love is love is love is love
When I look in your eyes
It's not a stranger I see
Just someone who's lonely like me
Love is love
Is you is me
Is everything we are
A silent spark that lights the dark
Burns longer than the stars
Love is love
Is me is you
A whisper from the heart
Love is love is love is love is love