Angela Baraldi impressioni di settembre

How many drops of dew around me
I'm looking for the sun, but it's not there.
The countryside is still sleeping, maybe not,
it's awake, looking at me, I don't know.
/>Already the smell of the earth, the smell of wheat
slowly rises towards me,
and the life in my chest beats slowly,
I breathe the fog, I think of you.
How green all around, and even further away
the grass almost seems like a sea,
and lightly my thoughts fly and go
I'm almost afraid that it will get lost...
A horse stretches its neck towards the meadow
Stands still like me.
I take a step, he sees me, he has already fled
I breathe the fog, I think of you.
No, what I am now I don't know,
I am a man, a man in search of himself.
No, what I am now I don't know,
I am alone, only the sound of my step.
And meanwhile the sun is already filtering through the fog.
The day will be as it always will be.