Angela Chibalonza Muliri kaa nami

Kaa nami ni usiku sana (Abide with me; fast falls
the eventide;)
Usiniache gizani bwana (The darkness deepens;
Lord with me abide.)
Msaada wako haukomi (When other helpers fail
and comforts flee,)
Nili pekee yangu, kaa nami (Help of the helpless,
O abide with me.)
Siku zetu hazikawii kwisha (Swift to its close ebbs
out life's little day;)
Sioni la kunifurahisha (Earth's joys grow dim; its
glories pass away;)
Hakuna ambacho hakikomi (Change and decay in
all around I see;)
Usiye na mwisho, kaa nami (O Thou who
changest not, abide with me.)
Nina haja nawe kila saa (I need Thy presence
every passing hour.)
Sina mwingine wa kunifaa (What but Thy grace
can foil the tempter's power?)
Mimi nitaongozwa na nani (Who, like Thyself, my
guide and stay can be?)
Ila wewe bwana, kaa nami (Through cloud and
sunshine, Lord, abide with me.)
Sichi neno uwapo karibu (I fear no foe, with Thee
at hand to bless;)
Nipatalo lote si taabu? (Ills have no weight, and
tears no bitterness.)
Kifo na kaburi haviumi (Where is death's sting?
Where, grave, thy victory?)
nitashinda kwako, kaa nami (I triumph still, if
Thou abide with me.)
Nilalapo nikuone wewe (Hold Thou Thy cross
before my closing eyes;)
Gizani mwote nimulikie (Shine through the gloom
and point me to the skies.)
NUru za mbinguni hazikomi (Heaven's morning
breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;)
Siku zangu zote kaa nami (In life, in death, O
Lord, abide with me.)