Angelo Branduardi alla fiera dell est

Freely inspired by a Jewish Easter song
At the Eastern Fair
for two cents
my father bought a little mouse.
And the cat came
and ate the mouse
which my father bought at the market.
At the Eastern Fair
for two pennies
a little mouse my father bought.
And the dog came
who bit the cat
which ate the mouse
which my father bought at the market.
At the Eastern Fair
for two pennies
my father bought a little mouse.< br/>And came the stick
that beat the dog
that bit the cat
that ate the mouse
that my father bought at the market.
At the Fair 'Est
for two pennies
a little mouse my father bought.
And the fire came
that burned the stick
that beat the dog
that bit the cat
that ate the mouse
that my father bought at the market.
At the East Fair
for two cents
my father bought a little mouse.
And the water came
which put out the fire
which burned the stick
which beat the dog
which bit the cat
which ate the mouse
which at the market my father bought.
At the Eastern Fair
for two pennies
a little mouse my father bought.
And the bull came
who drank the water
that put out the fire
that burned the stick
that beat the dog
that bit the cat
that ate the mouse
that at my market father bought.
At the Eastern Fair
for two pennies
a little mouse my father bought.
And the butcher came
who killed the bull
which drank the water
who put out the fire
who burned the stick
who beat the dog
who bit the cat
who ate the mouse
who at the market my father bought.
At the Eastern Fair
for two cents
a little mouse my father bought.
And the Angel of Death
on the butcher
/>who killed the bull
who drank the water
who put out the fire
who burned the stick
who beat the dog
who bit the cat
who ate the mouse
which my father bought at the market.
At the East Fair
for two cents
my father bought a little mouse.
And finally the Lord
on the Angel of Death
on the butcher
who killed the bull
who drank the water
who put out the fire
who burned the staff
br/>who beat the dog
who bit the cat
who ate the mouse
which my father bought at the market.
At the East Fair
for two money
a little mouse my father bought.