Angra caasa e caasador

Goes like a king
Flies on its prey
Scares away once and for all
And hunger comes
Crossing rivers,
Mountains and skies
Vacation in the air
Lonely again
Dying the day
Breathes exhausted
Endless story
Kill or be killed
Behind the trail
Eyes of an eagle
They stare at rabbits
Fire of straw
I don't know if I'm
Hunting or hunting §ador
Today and tomorrow
The river goes and I follow
Waiting for a response
What am I going to say
If the day was of the hunt
Who will know?
I hope that time
Makes me understand
That the body falls to the ground
And she will eat, all over again!
I don't really know who I am
Or where I'm going
Today and tomorrow
O river goes and I
I'm going after
Waiting for the wind
Bring me the condor
The day was hunting
Or of the hunter?
I hope that time
Makes me understand
That the body falls to the ground
And she will eat,
Everything again
Everything again
Everything again!!!