Anna Jantar zawsze gdzie czeka kto

It's pouring rain as cold as a hundred devils,
The world burst into tears.
Not even a drop of sun, a dark twilight, and me in all this.
The whole y platform in a sweater made of wool of clouds
crouching like a dog
airing a rope of carriages somewhere
lost in the wet fog.
There is always someone waiting somewhere
that's the way it is, that's how it has to be,
whether on sunny or rainy days.
There is always someone waiting somewhere
And for love to come in
is still holding the door open for her.
The evil semaphore is silent, looking into the distance,
the clatter of the wheels,
he would like to rest like I I
I went under the blanket of sleep.
When I raise my arm, it's raining,
what the clouds are cutting for me,
that's what it will be, you know ,
the sunniest day.
There is always someone waiting somewhere
that's how it is, that's how it has to be,
whether on sunny or rainy days.
Always somewhere someone is waiting
And for love to come in
he keeps the door open for her.