Anna Maria Jopek z narodzenia pana

Today is the birth of the Lord, a joyful day,
I sing praise to the God of the elements!
The joy of people flows everywhere,
The Angel awakens near the valley
Shepherds burning their oxen under the forest!
A fire falls out of the cloud at night!
The shepherds wonder at this view.
Everyone asks , what is happening,
Isn't it dawning, is it not dawning,
Where does this cloud come from, so pleasing to the eye?
But when the angelic voices are they went,
Immediately they ran straight to Bethlehem.
There they welcomed the Lord in the manger,
They knelt down
And gave back the gifts they had taken with them.
Let us and the shepherds rejoice today,
Let us sing praises together with the angels!
For this Jesus, given from heaven,
will take us among heavenly,
Let us only love Him with all our hearts!