Annabel (lee) autumn requiem

Swimming ‘round your head, that early evening,
the thoughts that waves brought to your shore
Just the sound of it, your unsteady breathing
reveals the silent shield you bore
You were a baby, only a baby when she left you
behind in this grown-up land
But you thought, ‘maybe, just maybe I can get through
without holding her hand'
What you found, instead, that Autumn evening,
a savior with maternal needs
And just the sound of it, as she'd be singing
her lullabyes, you knew she'd never leave
But it became hazy, everything hazy when she left you
behind to become a man
But you thought, ‘maybe, just maybe I can get through
the mist from where I stand'
You've always lived with it
the ghost of Nevermore (because, because, because)
it's never ‘she is', is it?
It's always been, ‘she was, she was, she was…mmmmm'
But you rebounded, one sober evening
with introductions to a girl
What astounded, that eerie feeling
in three's, they exit from this world
She was a lady, became a lady then she left you
behind, your life again
was faced with Maybe's, you said, ‘maybe my soul was born to
confront the being that I am'
Mmmmm, mmmmm…