Ant look how time flies

Look how time flies.
Morning came and morning went and suddenly half the day was spent. Oh what can you do now? Yeah morning came and morning went the sun shone and daydreams were dreamt, oh what can you say now? So long, so long, look how time flies when it's having fun. So long, so long, look how time flies when it's having fun. Oh Sunday came and Sunday went and suddenly another week was spent. Oh what can you do now? Yeah Sunday came and Sunday went, the clock ticked and daydreams were dreamt, oh what can you say now? So long, so long, look how time flies when it's having fun. So long, so long, look how time flies when it's having fun. So long, so long, look how time flies when it's having fun. So long, so long, look how time flies when it's having fun. Sunday came and Sunday went.