Antonella Bucci le ragazze crescono

They write historical sentences in books and have diaries that no one will read
you can see them on the school buses in the morning,
maybe still a little sleepy and they have lots of friends around them
to be together, laugh, joke, why not fantasize
this age lasts so little, life will transform them, yes...
And then the girls grow up in this world that will take them
take them into tomorrow with ladies' makeup and a dream deep in my heart and then the girls change, but don't make me change, please, no...'s getting big girl that you liked...'s nice when you see them laughing and looking at the boys
and they make silly on their backpacks the names of the singers who
take their heart , they make them dream and they call a friend
so they can confide in each other in the evening, so as not to be alone in facing
the life that will make them women or mothers or who knows,
boredom will transform them , yes...who knows why, you liked it...