Antonella Bucci un amore pi

As part of me, like the air that is there, like the passage of time,
I feel you, sweet and strong at the same time.
Locked in my room I dreamed of it for a while,
love, when will it arrive?
Will it truly be able to uncover the world for me and will it turn it inside out,
and will it make me fly, white as a clear dawn, will it be
that I will never suffer? One more love, and that's you.
Among friends like this, talking to each other,
we wondered who is perfect, we mostly settle for it,
and think that you were one step further,
ready to change my reality, will you know...?
you dress me in joy and I am no longer surprised by how much you love me
but who is that ´unconscious who he is, who left you to me... more life for me and it starts from here, from you. In me...
...and for me it is you...