Apalog water walker

Moonlight scatters in the night haze
Sailing shadows as we cross the lake
Through the mist a man we all know
Walks across the water like a ghost
Thunder groans and the winds rush
Rolling torrents breaking over us
Calm in the chaos, he cries
Peace and the storm subsides
Even the water
Even the waves
Even the water
Even the waves obey
With a touch he heals the unclean
Deaf men hear and the blind can see
Now the cripple stands, picks up his mat
And walks away from his disease
Even the water
Even the waves
Even the water
Even the waves obey
Every sickness
Every disease
Every darkness dies when you speak
Who is this man of wonder
Commands the storm and stills my heart
Who is this water walker
Surely he is the son of God
Who is this man of wonder
Commands the storm and stills my heart
Who is this water walker
Surely he is the son of God