Area 305 hay que cambiar

We are all condemned, walking around there, all in search of a miracle that will make us happy, all of us wasting so much time, and few manage to discover that what is worth is inside, screaming to get out
we have to change, we have to learn to forgive and value life,
we have to help, we have to hug, we have to get so much anger out of the body,
we must finally live in peace with others, stop the suffering,
we must give the world love, let's try better.
...(let's try)< br/>everyone wanting, nothing is ours, we have to give everything,
only our time is borrowed, no one is going to stay.
everything is so dark inside, with so much sun inside,
God is the only sure thing, look around you.
throw your love, don't look at who,
embrace the whole world.
put color in everything by doing the well,
you can do it.
...(everyone has to change)