Ariane Moffatt la pluie et le beau temps

Rain or shine is not trivial
we never talk about it too much
look how nice it is
feel how nice it is
he comes through the window
br/>from the sky to my head
its collateral effects
on my mood, on my skin
I dream of it
we never talk too much about the weather ©rature
Rain and good weather, it's not trivial
we never talk too much about the temperature
Rain and good weather, it's not trivial
rain and good weather, it's not trivial
we never talk about it too much
note the debris, the destroyed destinies
nuclear disasters on tremors of earth
collateral effects on beings and their ills
I'm dying
we never talk too much about the temperature
The rain and the good weather, it's not trivial
we never talk too much about the temperature
Rain and good weather, it's not trivial