Arkha Sva hvt lr ch kmch

Time and space wasted because of him is decayed tragedy.
And any kind of tragedy must be expiated.
You want to strangle him to death right now,
to cut both his legs with an axe to stamp on the body that fell down
until its original thickness changes,
to soak him in oil and to set fire on him.
But you stop before all that,
because all that is not your own occupation.
ALAS! By being killed he would only change his
shape and continue being a part of this world,
And continue being connected with
you also a part of this world forever.
If anybody killed him,
anybody would never be able to let
him completely disappear from this world.
O, Regrets! It is, however,
a behaviour that even so called God cannot attain.
You, who are a wise man, therefore choose another way.
More carefully and wisely than anybody, against the order of AHR MZD,
Your curse is to be cast upon him to the very end of Hell.
You want to strangle him to death right now.
You want to smash his skull with a
hammer, to stab several spits from his ears.
And you want to push his own filth into his own skull.
All people that were forced to be with him.
All things that were relunctantly touched and even consumed by him.
All places that were relunctantly stayed by him.
And all moments that were flowed with him.
All the recognition! And all the thoughts!
All is pitiful,
and don't you hear the cries for
salvation from the heart of all those pitiful?
Don't you think that all of them pitiful that are
relunctantly forced to make and keep the shape of his existence?
And don't you think that he himself that
is supported by all of them so miserable?
Then therefore free him from the miserable.
Yes, because of this love,
you now begin freeing one of your
neighbours from the cycle of unreason.
Against the order of AHR MZD,
you give him the meaning by his expiation.
O you are the messiah.
You enter and stay in a darkened chamber to knead wax.
You mix three pieces of his hair in the wax and make a white candle.
Then, for three days,
you light the candle at one o'clock midnight,
and you advocate three times: Veni AHRMN. Deus Diabolus.
The curse is to be cast upon him!
Bring him misfortune, illness, accidents, and pain!
Against the order of AHR MZD, the curse is to be cast upon him!
You speak for the hatred of all those pitiful
to him and curse him to the end of the ground.
In order to free your neighbour.
You hurl every words of grudge to him,
until the white candle completely burn out and melt down.
Yes, until you make sure that he the
walking unreason is miserably deleted and expiated.
Because of your love to them all.
Because you love your neighbours… You entrusted the expiation of him
The grand distortion on the profound path of
curse to cut the cycle of this magnificent tragedy off.
Any kind of attack is supposed to
representing the sign for help, and it is correct!
Because the world was forced to have
everything on his way and so demanded help that much.
Therefore you now delete him.
Against the order of AHR MZD,
the heaviest and the final pain is respectfully to be given.
Veni AHRMN, Deus Diabolus.
The curse is to be cast upon him!
Bring him misfortune, illness, accidents, and pain!
Against the order of AHR MZD, the curse is to be cast upon him!
Veni AHRMN, Deus Diabolus.
The curse is to be cast upon him!
Bring him absence, oblivion, extinction, and expiation!
Against the order of AHR MZD, here he exists no more.