Arletty mon homme

On this earth, my only joy, my only happiness
He's my man.
I gave everything I have, my love and all my heart
To my man
And even at night,
When I dream, it's about him,
Of my man.
It's not that he's handsome, he's rich and strong
But I love him, it's stupid,
He beats me up
He takes my money,
I'm at the end of my rope
But despite everything
What do you want
I've got it so under my skin
That I'm coming to a hammer,
br/>As soon as he approaches it's over
I'm his
When his eyes settle on me
It makes me everything
/>I'm so under my skin
That at the slightest word
I'd do anything
I'd kill, my word
I feel like he would make me infamous
But I'm just a woman
And, I have it so under my skin...
To leave him, it's crazy what other men have offered me.
Between us, you see, they're not worth very much
All men
The woman, in truth,
Is only made to suffer
By men.
In the balls, I ran, in order to forget her I drank
Nothing to do, I couldn't
When he said to me: Come on
I'm like a dog
There's no way
It's like a link
That holds me back.
I have it so under my skin
That I'm crazy.
That the one who doesn't also
Know this
Dare to come first
Take the stone away from me.
Having one under your skin
It's the worst of evils
But it's knowing love
In its true light
And I say that we must forgive
When a woman gives herself
To the man inside her...