Armageddon Rev 16:16 fallen angels and lost souls

How do we live, what do we think
Where do we want us to be
Parallel lives, opposite minds
Emptiness filling our dreams
Meaningless life full of disasters
And joy runs out of dreams
Wonderful world is bleeding from wars
Humanity's building on fake walls
Trying to find the meaning of life
Fighting to live free and well
Killing each other without a reason
Allies of convenience
Through pain and stress
Fallen angels and lost souls
We're just empty human bowls
Joy of life always costs
And we are derailed from our course
Asymmetry life barbarity style
Calamitous thoughts inside our words
Accipiter's acts caesarean paths
Carcinoma is eating our hearts
Acting as gods, killing young souls
Behavior like almighty boss
Forget how to share and how to give
Just building our dreams in fake beliefs
Breaking the rules, comrades in crime
Always pretending that we care
Selfish by birth not self defense
And we destroy every sense
Comical reasons turn into wars
Religious ideas displace god
Humanity runs to chaos and beyond
No one cares for life no more