Armin van Buuren feat. Arkham Knights this is a test mix cut arkham knights remix

Ladies and gentlemen
We are experiecing technical difficulties
Warning this is a total blackout
Please stand by as we are currently testing our systems
Testing lightingequipment LED screens
Testing blinders
Testing lasers
Testing 3D video
Testing pyrotechnics
Stand By
Subwoofer kick test
Balance check
Left channel the sound should now be in the left speaker
Right channel the sound should now be in the right speaker
Left channel
Right channel
Left channel
Right channel
Left channel
Right channel
Left channel
Right channel
Left Right
Left Right
Left Right
Left Right
Left Right
Left Right
Left Right
Left Right
This is a test
Before presiting was this show
All after do one more test
Texting a maximum volume
10 Ten
9 Nine
8 Eight
7 Seven
5 Five
4 Four
3 Three
This is a test
This is a test