Arthur Lee Land in the perfect groove jam mix

When the anger bites through and you do what you do
Your mind’s in a fury no time you just hurry to get
to get where you’re going you’ve already been
telling your epic to all who’ll listen
The hurt’s in the leaving all the crying and grieving
leaves you hungry and freaked your nerves are all tweeked
Spiraling down your body must ground
No time will be found if you’re not around
There’s no need to be rushed along with the rush
pushed around by the push crushed down by the crush
When you are current the current is strong
Every atom that you move is in the perfect groove
I saw when you landed your energy expanded
The voice that I knew poured out love and truth
With nowhere to go in your presence we stood,
The room filled with colors as your eyes flowered
There’s no need to be rushed along with the rush
pushed around by the push crushed down by the crush
When you are current the current is strong
Every atom that you move is in the perfect groove