As the Sky Darkens philosophy of art

Socrates, you have pondered the heavens for so very long. Down on your knees (I am your ruler) I am the wise and you are the weak. I know that I know nothing. As another dream seeks to be reality. We know where we are and where we have come from, but where do we go from here? We taught ourselves without instruction, to represent what we are. We have our goals in sight. We are not the sons of your false imagery, exceeding expectations. Break away from the stereotype. We learn and we strive as we break away. And we won't fall to the sound of art, not our own reflections. It's a mirror image of our own perceptions. We set out into the unknown, bags packed, on our way to further ourselves. The time is now. There is nothing that will bring us back from our graves. Don't let the poison sink in. Our time is far from the end. Down on your knees, you have been sentenced to death! The wisest of all wise men, and I let the poison sink in.