Astrud Gilberto canto de ossanha let go

The man who says I will don't give
Because those who give really don't say
The man who says I will won't
Because when he was, he didn't want to
The man who says I am isn't is
Because whoever really is isn't I am
The man who says so is not so
Because no one is there when they want to
Poor man who falls
In the corner of Ossanha, traitor
Poor man who goes
After the mandinga of love
Go, go, go, go, I'm not going
Go, go, go, go, I'm not going
Go, go, go, go, I'm not going
Go, go, go, go
Let go, let the world know you're alive
Let the world know you believe
Let the world know you have loved to give
Amigo sinhô, saravá
Xangô told me to tell you
If it is Ossanha's corner, don't go
You will regret it a lot
Ask your OrixÃÂ ¡
Love is only good if it hurts
Ask your Orisha
Love is only good if it hurts
Go, go, go, go, love
Go, go, go, suffer
Go, go, go, go, cry
Go, go, go
Let go, let the world know you're alive
Let the world know you believe
Let the world know you have loved to give
Go, go, go, go, I won't
Go, go, go, go, I'm not going
Go, go, go, go, I'm not going