Asymmetry a cogwheel

Years and years so far behind,
And behind all the hard labor – the trail of scars,
It makes you resistant to strain,
You know damn well it tranquilizes every pain.
A cogwheel keeps on whirling – feeding the alien inside
And if you try to oppose the force – snap – you’re gone!
And every day looks exactly the same,
And there’s even no more point how much you’ll make,
As life goes by, no one will make it up to you,
The pressure’s on and you’re just one tiny screw.
A cogwheel keeps on whirling,
Feeding the alien inside,
And if you try to oppose the force – snap – you’re gone!
A cogwheel keeps on whirling,
Feeding the enemy inside,
And if you try to balance on a ledge – you’ll lose your ground!
Am I about to become an abandoned shipwreck,
Sight blurred and skin rough by the sandstorms,
There’s so much tension on this leverage, about to crack,
Unless it deviates from the norm, completely transforms.
A small part of the machine,
As the big wheels keep on spinning,
After the full circle I'm back at the beginning,
And just before the burst, another change of grease,
To postpone my wear and tear,
And feed me with my existential needs,
As I move in circles – I won’t get very far,
Quicker I become – sooner I’m back at the start.
A cogwheel keeps on whirling,
Feeding the alien inside,
And if you try to swim against the current – you’ll drown!
A cogwheel keeps on whirling,
Feeding the enemy inside,
And if you try to oppose the force – snap!!!
Grain of Aral sand stuck between the cogwheels two,
As the wheels keep grinding every deviation.
And it won’t stop spinning - no matter how stubborn your determination,
But it may eventually loosen its tooth…