Awaken Demons sharks

Go away
Stay the fuck away from me
Go away
Away so we're back on the track
Still fuckin here
Still fuckin gold we're fuckin sharks go away
Stay the fuck away from me
Go away
Away call it redemption oh let me breathe
Let me feel your blood and hypocrisy
Your lies sound fuckin weak
So stop trying tu fuckin trick me
You know the risk
You're dancing on a coffin with killer fins
Time is up. Fuck it up
You motherfucker can't stop us now
You cannot lie.
You can call it redemption
You cannot hide.
I can see your extinction
You cannot lie.
You can call it redemption
You cannot hide among sharks
We're fuckin sharks go away
Stay the fuck away from me
Go away
Away hunt him
Chase him
Find him
Feel him
Feed him
Hear him