Axel Bauer le voyageur

My hand draws a face
Who will betray me
The sweetness of his pride
Tells me that it is soon time to leave
Attracted by this omen
What will I become
This face there attaches me to images
That I would have liked to escape
The miserable desire that pulls me flies away
To lead me elsewhere
br/>Still follows me
The angel of this traveler
Tangled in the reeds
I struggle
To turn my back on him
It makes him laugh out loud
To see myself from above
To be so low
give me the certainty
To be on the path
And not in a distant refuge
Where the twilight remains endless
Give me the certainty
To guide my destiny
Tell me in a whisper
That the traveler will recognize his own
Only you can decide
br/>To be above everything
You will understand that what you know
You will always know