Azul Violeta tu luz

Three more and eleven months
to reach the end
of one more millennium
To cohabitate the world
Everything passed fleetingly
in front of me a century ago
they lived at another rhythm
they lived at another rhythm
Today I am looking for the root
to tie my dreams
to a new God
who allows me to be happy
Because to continue living here
you need broad horizons
to find the door
To correct the route
we don't want another war
we want your light
br/>To enjoy life
we don't want more money
we want love
I slept enough
it's time to wake up
to start the search
of a reason to live
I contemplate the fall
that in the end
will lead me to be reborn
with new blood
To correct the route
we do not want another war
we want your light
To enjoy life
we don't want more money
we want love
conscience is not enough for me no
it is not enough for me
br/>innocence confuses me
confuses me
conscience is not enough for me
it is not enough for me, it is not
patience is running out for me
it is running out for me