BaK sands of time

All our minds created for beyond dreamed
Growing faster than what we can see
With out restrain the human machine
Set loose on us all yet left unseen
(chorus) Future, present, past all left behind
Won’t we look outside our minds
What’s the chance for this world to survive
Slipping through the sands of time
Race to prove our strength destroys everything
But no one likes a place that doesn’t look lived
Sharing one big home under the sun
Look around and see the damage done
(chorus) Future, present, past all left behind
Won’t we look outside our minds
What’s the chance for this world to survive
Slipping through the sands of time
Now! Earths demise
Smoke! Fills the skies
Pay for! Selfish lives
Stop! Poisoning
Start! Reacting
Planet! Suffering
No! Tragedy
No! Anxious pleas
Shake off! Apathy
All consuming lives still unfulfilled
Come the day there’s nothing left to rebuild
We all live this life one day at a time
Until we choke on our ignorant pride
(chorus) Future, present, past all left behind
Won’t we look outside our minds
What’s the chance for this world to survive
Slipping through the sands of time
Can’t you see the life we lead
So close your eyes and face the world demise