Bal-Sagoth dark leige of chaos

Imperial Cavalry. Advance Ride Them Down
Down in to the fray
Spearmen, form into Omega Phalanx
Archers, notch arrows, prepare to loose
Warriors, stand ready. Sound the clarion
Hearken, sons of the glorious Empire
Here we stand upon the Field of Blood
Though this day we may die,
Our legend shall live forever
Down in to the fray
Spearmen, form into Omega Phalanx
Archers, notch arrows, prepare to loose
Warriors, stand ready. Sound the clarion
Minions of Chaos, minions of Chaos
Rend their flesh, crush their bones, devour their souls
Onwards with our spear-heads gleaming
Meet them with cold steel a'cleaving
Fall only when our hearts cease beating
Men of Hyperborea
Ride them down, ride them down, ride them down
Onwards with our spear-heads gleaming
Meet them with cold steel a'cleaving
Fall only when our hearts cease beating
Men of Hyperborea
By the darkling powers of the Shadow-Sword,
I call forth the fury of the storm to rend the massed legions of Chaos
Fly, my winged sentinel of the night
Deliver unto me the Ninth Crystal of Power
That I may at last be free once more
'Ere the dawn, ten thousand shall die!
Onwards with our spear-heads gleaming
Meet them with cold steel a'cleaving
Fall only when our hearts cease beating
Men of Hyperborea
For the eternal glory of Hyperborea!