Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N) sex control germany version

Band Without a Name (B.O.N)
No.1 (germany Version)
Sex Control (germany Version)
Lyrics: g. large, c. capek, g. rasicke, a. humpe
Music: a. humpe
Always, always, I just think about the day
When I said that I liked you
And you asked if I wouldn't like
The night To spend with you and that's what we did.
That night I heard bells ringing,
And on the wings of lust I heard the angels singing.
I was ready for anything to give what my heart says,
And in fact you are the best thing I've ever experienced.
But now, no matter how much I distract myself,
it doesn't change anything because I only think about you.
You twisted my head, I know for sure:
Honey, I need you right now.
Refrain (2x):
You got me under control
You took me right by my soul
You know my body can roll
Let me be the ball, you the goal
I never thought that Just one night makes so much difference,
Just because a girl is laughing at me, but at the moment,
No matter what I do now, I can't finish it,
Because I'm full of love weak
It used to be like this: if one wasn't close,
It was always clear that there was immediately & another one there,
But now there is only you who ignites my fire< br/>And baby, since that night
I want us all to walk only together,
I want to be at the top of the ladder with you,
And even though I know that you are the one I think you have control:
It was holy night for you too.