Bap Kennedy not a day goes by

Oh let’s get on with the game,
There’s no need to wonder why
You don’t mention my name –
Here’s mud in your eye
Did we waste those precious years?
Does it ever cross your mind?
Does it ever cross mine?
Let me say, not a day goes by
Oh you’re not long for this world
You will always find
Battalions of trouble
Marching behind
Still returning like a ghost
To the scene of the crime
If I could go back in time…
Anyway, not a day goes by
Well I had to take that chance
It was now or never
I had to be with her,
She’s the apple of my eye.
Well, regrets I have a few
And they multiply
Like the stars in the sky
Anyway, not a day goes by
So let’s get on with the game
There’s no need to wonder why
Do I think of you and I?
Let me say, not a day goes by