Bbaxxx break the ice

Break down the awkwardness
Put on my boots and the Lily white dress
A million words but how to express
What I'm feeling when I see you
You flash a smile
I'm like: is this happening?
I look your way and then of course drop everything
You walk over and ask if I'm alright
Hey whatever it takes to break the ice
Don't walk away just wanna say
I just need the courage to let you know
What's on my mind
Like every time you pass by
Something just feels right
It's not apathy
It's energy locked up
It's ready to spring and shine
I won't make the same mistake twice
I'm ready to shake up and break the ice
Maybe a joke first
Maybe a pick up line
But either one of those is just a waste of time
I need a better way
I need some inspiration
Something that better explains all my motivation
To meet you
Know you
And be on your mind
I have to but how do I put this right?
Don't over complicate
Just say 'hi'
Or whatever it takes to break the ice
Don't walk away just wanna say
I just need the courage to let you know
What's on my mind
Like every time you pass by
Something just feels right
It's not apathy
It's energy locked up
It's ready to spring and shine
I won't make the same mistake twice
I'm ready to shake up and break the ice
Do you have a road map that I can try
'Cause I think I just got lost in your eyes
I have to tell you
I really want you
Whenever I look in your eyes
I won't make the same mistake twice
I'm ready to shake up and break the ice
Don't walk away just wanna say
I just need the courage to let you know
What's on my mind
Like every time you pass by
Something just feels right
It's not apathy
It's energy locked up
It's ready to spring and shine
I won't make the same mistake twice
I'm ready to shake up and break the ice