Beatbetrieb immer

You are always near - never far.
You are always there because you like to stay.
You knock on my heart.
I wish I could see you.
You are always near, never far.
You are always there because you like to stay.
You never have to go.
You are forever.
What and who lasts for time?
Who does transience spare?
1000 years – like a day.
One life – just a beat of wings.
What blooms yesterday,
It has already withered today.
And what you can give me
somehow stops time.
You are always close, always there. You always stand by me.
And if I leave you out, you still stand at the door,
knock - thud - thud - you stand on the threshold,
You fall out of the frame and you are always there,
When I look at it and press the handle again.
You don't fall into the house with the door, because you are
the one who was, the one who is coming and the one Even today,
is there and doesn't forget me.
Even though I often forget that it wasn't me
who saw you for the very first time. No, because that was when you found me - yes, yes. And since then you've always been there.