Bestiák esember whakka rhakka rao

If the great wizard is here, my hope will not burn out!
If he is here all night and with his touched lips:
Nothing else is needed!
... That's how love comes!
The Fallen Man! He dances non-stop!
He easily returns to your heart with burning eyes,
and helps you:
... If he is there with you!
Ã, ó, ó! Rain man! shed tears for me! Wake up! Rock me to sleep4, ó, ó! Rain man! Seduce me to death! If love is a sin?!
I have to sin!
If your soul is icy and your heart is icy,
If you don't know love,
And you don't even believe...
If you are afraid of being alone you stay
and you run quickly, crying into the world:
A great magician is there with you!
It is nothing but conscience!
Whakka Rakka Rao! The Falling Man!
It's easy, with true love!
Love is not magic!
Love is silent suffering!
If Once you've found it, take care of it: it's hard!
Call him if you have to!
You can't go wrong with him!
If only the depths of the jungle hide it,
And your soul sheds tears...
Go to the dance too, your hope will help you!
Call me if you have to!
With him love is coming!
ú, ó, ó! Rain man! shed tears for me! Wake up! Rock me to sleep4, ó, ó! Rain man! Seduce me to death! If love is a sin?!
I have to sin!