Betagarri jungle

Jungle! Where I live
This is the jungle! Trapped in it
My pretty jungle! Feeling the lack inside
I need my jungle! You must know what it is
But in this jungle! Between you die
Singular jungle! No god in heaven
Excuse me jungle! Never under your control
Good bye my jungle! Love forever.
I want, I can, i need, i know i have to keep
That thing that i promised, and that now you will see
I want, i can, i need, i know i have to keep
That thing that i promised, i'm going full speed!
Jungle! His guest
Business og jungle! Expert in nothing
Exciting jungle! What are the rights
Expensive jungle! Where's my money
Jungle! Sometimes in love
Stupid jungle! Otherwise so stupid
Jungle! When I leave
Try again jungle! No tears in the wind.