Betamotion these are the days

Step in and see how everything's falling, breaking into pieces, tumbling on the ground.
Feeling the hand that won't let you stand up.
It keeps you on your knees, no it wont let you breath.
These are the days that you want to stay in bed, forget the world's out there and nothing really matters, things are gonna be…
OK, if I close my eyes and go to a better place where I feel the change, where nothing, nothing, nothing, is the same.
Nothing makes sense when you are the last man to find what's going on, something must be wrong.
Open your eyes to find that you can't see.
You're just walking in the dark, but everything will be.
Ok, If I close my eyes and go to the hollow show where we are puppets in this play.
Ok, I can feel the change and go to a better place where we can escape and leave our lies.