Big Mama after resignation

Now I’m starting to get used to the life without you
Everything is going back to the way it was before
Even that unforgettable last word you said to me,
Is fading away from my head.
Whenever I ran into you, I forced myself to smile
But when I turned around, the pains came back
And I had to cry out inside,
No not yet, no not yet,
I was foolish to think that I was over you
please understand even if I ignore you
because I’m trying to think of you as
someone I don’t know.
whenever I talked to you as if
we were just old friends,
I could not control my greed and selfishness
and I had to cry out inside,
no not yet, no not yet,
it was foolish of me to think that I was over you
please understand even if I ignore you
because I’m trying to think of you as
someone I never knew.
don’t be nice to me just because you feel bad,
I might have false hopes and become a
burden to you again
if there’s no going back,
if that really is what you want,
I will never ever bother you again
I promise you, that I’ll be over you
I bet my everything that I will do so
there’s only one thing I ask,
let me hold on to the memories of you
being in my life