Bind true colors

Tell me how much you've changed,
Pissed on our family name.
I hear you talk but now the words you speak mean nothing.
I see the same face with a new jurisdiction.
I hear you speak but your true colors paint the picture.
Cold as the blood in your veins,
Your true colors have faded grey.
What once was words you meant,
Now you're so full of shit.
Day after day as you've crossed the line again.
Where were you when I needed you most?
Choked up on all of your pride, as your true colors have been exposed.
This damage is done, was I not enough?
I chose to deny my own fathers blood.
You're under my skin, I see through your face and how much you've changed.
You've betrayed my trust, abused my love,
As you've chose dope over your wife and son. How much you've changed.
Paint you out of the family portrait.
Crucify you page by page.
Clench my fist & curse this family name.