Bjork kata rokkar

Kata, Kát with blonde hair,
Joyful of life, loves to jump,
Kata, knows how to rock rock so well.
Always while the dance is on.
Jazz-tempered Kata around the floor of a fire,
Loves rock more than many people suspect.
She's small, listen up,
look - she's a kna!
Everyone is hungry to see when she takes the bedclothes.
She dances that Kata,
With beautiful locks, joy of life, she has danced with delight.
She knows how to rock rock so well...
She is little, hyr á brá,
Horfid á - that's a knee! -
Everybody wants to see when she takes bed clothes.
She - that's her Kata - she, she dances
She dances my Kata, she dances
Rock rock rock rock.. .. X4
Kata dances, she dances rock...
Dances rock, dances rock
Rock rock rock rock.... X2
Kata rocks
Kata, cheerful with the blonde locks
Loves life, so full of charm
Kata, knows so well to rock Rock
Always, while the dance is on
Jazzy Kata swings 'round the floor
Loves Rock more than you would know
She is small, joy in her eye
See her now - see that life!< br/>Everyone longs to see her do the rumba
She dances then...Kata
With blonde locks, joyful, full of charm
Knows so well to rock Rock
She is small, joy in her eye
See her life!
Everyone longs to see her do the rumba
She is- this is our Kata - she dances,
She dances, my Kata, she dances
Rock rock rock rock.... X4
Kata dances, she dances rock...
She dances rock, dances rock
Rock rock rock rock.. .. X2