BjÖrn Afzelius farvl till slkt och vnner

If you are the head of the Riksbank, you can
Speculate away billions
And let Svensson shoot
When there is a deficit in the government
But do you deduct r the brandy
For the anniversary party at the bank
This is how you are presented in the media
As a pure gangster
If you are a minister you can fly< br/>First class and eating lobster
And that you leave in a luxury hotel
No one judges
But are you clumsy enough to
Get caught at the candy machine
When shopping with a credit card
Which actually belongs to the state;
Then it's goodbye to family and friends
And everyone else you know
Because that's how morals are
In the Swedish jämmerdalen
If you're going to fiddle, they should be frankly
We can accept that
But do you mess around with small things
So you get to scoff
If you mistreat your wife
And oppress your kids
And super up your salary
Then your neighbor chooses to close his eyes
But if you don't care for
That the lawn is r neat
Then it's a house in hell;
Then the neighbor gets pissed off