BjÖrn Afzelius ljuset

I see the candles burn out;
I see how every life ends
The radiant flares
That shone for us
They all burn out
I see how life flows away;
How time is always too short
The endless path
Which would be my life
Shall also come to an end< br/>I stood by the roaring sea tonight
And looked out into the eternity of space
And I saw a faint but clear glow;
I saw new stars being born
And though it every night
Did it never turn black
Out there
A new light was lit
We are a second in the stream of epochs
But our life is irreplaceable
So before my flame gasps to death
And the hurrying hour is silent
Will I be a flame
For those who follow us
A time;
A light on their path
A time;
A light in their life