BjÖrn Afzelius s vill jag bli

An icy, autumn wind blew inside me
And the frost in my mind drove pearls to my cheek
And the cold penetrated outside and hardened my skin
And the skin became a fortress that nothing let in
Then you stood there in the chaos and stretched out your hand
Like the pole star in the sky that helps a ashore
So two stars were touched in the infinity of space;
Two fading lanterns on the desolation of the sea
And the one that began to stiffen, and defy love
Be fertilized to live and love yourself again
Then I want to be like the Sun that warms your legs
Like the air and like the Earth; like the life they give you
So I want to be like the rain, when your path feels hard
And be able to moisten the ground in front of you where you walk< br/>