Blaqk Audio black electric

I watch the streets glow before me
And hear them promise a story
If only I'll listen
Watch the skyscrapers as they melt away
In the drops I can hear them say
This is the instant; let the gravity lose it's grasp
We are rising
Up from this underground and
We are blinding with black electric
As we set this night alight
I heard they say the boy's missing
Heard they say he's been kissing
The sparkles of the night
Heard they say that he turned the other way
Heard he's planning along with strays
Who in an instant; let this decadence take its grasp
I heard the streetlights sigh
I set them all to sleep again
I deny that it's goodbye
We'll dance another night
I heard the streetlights sigh
I set them all to sleep again
I deny that it's goodbye
We'll dance another night
Who in an instant; let this decadence take it's grasp