Bloodparade nevermore spanish version

In the solitude of the night*
Everything collapsing in me,
Forgetting words,
I want to die...
Desiring this pain so much,
My heart burned,< br/>Only my eyes can be seen,
And I say never again.
It is cruel, I despair,
no one sees me anymore,
There is nothing I know
In the darkness
It is cruel, I despair,
No one sees me anymore,
There is nothing I know...
Was this passion of any use?
If hatred is the reason,
Immersing itself in my poison,
And I say never again...
It is cruel, I despair,
No one sees me anymore,
In the darkness.
br/>It is cruel to despair,
No one is left for me,
There is nothing I know...
In the loneliness of the night,
Everything is collapsing in me,
Forgetting words,
I want to die...
I can't breathe,
A thousand eyes suffocating me,
Nothing will matter anymore,
I will revive again...
Burning in solitude...