Bloodthirst wine for the insane

Fools, staring at light!
You don't see the Light at all.
For now it is eclipsed by lie
and ye lost the primeval call.
Open wounds of sanctity
Cast a shadow on your destiny.
By every drop of blood in the sand,
the primal force abandoned the Earth.
A myth born by defeating death,
appeared a denial of life itself.
What was written through ages in scrolls,
is now engraved on the cursed stones.
The rock that built house divine,
stole an unpredictable powers of mind.
And the holy mercenaries
buried the journey towards Light.
Oh, ye frightened lambs,
your path is a way with a senseless end.
You sacrificed the gods particle,
by giving it away, becoming slaves of the cross.
A river of royal blood shall be the wine for the insane.
The flesh a moulded bread, a poison for nations.
The ashes of the sacrificed will be an outbreak of plague.
With murderous breath deadly stigmas burn on the heads of lambs.
Królewska krew będzie winem szaleńców.
A ciało chlebem spleśniałym, truciznÄu0085 narodów.
Popioły ofiar uniosÄu0085 się jak zamieć zarazy
I oddechem swym wypalÄu0085 piętno
na czołach otępiałych owiec.
See this corpse, up on the cross.
All his holy land already is lost.
The damned one sits on his throne.
What was written, shall not be done.
Cursed for ages the ancient cult lives.
All hail Lucifer as Light he gives.
An unholy flame hidden in dark
is a seal of pact with the fallen one
Oh, ye frightened lambs,
your path is a way with a senseless end.
You sacrificed the gods particle,
by giving it away, becoming slaves of the cross.
A river of blood brings the plague to the insane.
A moulded bread lies on their graves.
A shes and fires choked the legacy living beneath the divine mask.
The stigmas in flames now burnt the world to the ground.