Bluejay garden girl

Here’s one about the Garden Girl
She couldn’t grow inside our world
She dug a hole inside her apartment
On the first floor the bud started growing
safe from pesticides and policemen
Around the couch the trash piled up
when she found out he was leaving
Extreme videos played for her blank display
until a breaking news bulletin
The reporter said the day has finally come
You can grow all the plants you want to
But the Garden Girl just couldn’t stop crying
Her tears water the soil
We’re all fertilizer baby
Maybe she was just a bad seed
All you need is apple cores and orange peel
I’ve seen the rain make her smile
When he came home from a whiskey binge
that she had to pay for
The garden had grown in their living room,
plants taller than the both of them
There’s nothing I’d rather do than smoke with you
He said, and peeled back a plant to kiss her
We’re all fertilizer baby
Maybe she was just a bad seed
All you need is apple cores and orange peel
I’ve seen the rain make her smile
A little water! (grow grow grow grow)
We’re all fertilizer baby
Maybe she was just a bad seed
In this room it’s purple and hazy
Garden Girls grow to make you smile