Bobs yuleman vs the anti claus

Masters of this house I bring an animated novel
a Christmas comic all red and green
a wondrous tale to glorify the season
the most fantastic story that you've ever seen
Every June 25th at the south pole
Millions of penguins start to sing [sotto voce] over and over
and all the armies of the season of swindle
plan a campaign to glorify greed
Following their leader - the Anti-Claus
they flock to the malls
turning sharing into selling, giving into getting
and caring into contempt
Only one thing stands in their way:
A superhero yet still a child
who believes in the spirit and the glory
an evergreen avenger in a suit of lights
come to life again on winter nights
It's Yuleman - the Druid defender
Yuleman - from the pagan past
Yuleman - in ornamental armor
his limbs will lead the way
Yuleman, fight the Anti-Claus
in the battle sparks will fly
Ring a bell on every corner
The Anti-Claus must die
His powers came from an accident
at the lighting of the city's tree
He was changing a bulb when they threw the switch
zapping him with electricity
It's Yuleman - the Druid defender
Yuleman - from the pagan past
Yuleman - in ornamental armor
his limbs will lead the way
Yuleman, fight the Anti-Claus
in the battle sparks will fly
Ring a bell on every corner
The Anti-Claus must die